ideen.kollektiv Blog
Der Teambuilding- und Coachingblog
Verstehe das Vier-Farben-Modell: Ein Leitfaden für effektive Kommunikation
In einer zunehmend vernetzten Welt ist es unerlässlich, verschiedene Persönlichkeitstypen zu verstehen. Das Vier-Farben-Modell, abgeleitet aus dem DISG-Modell, bietet Dir eine klare und einfache Methode, um menschliche Verhaltensweisen zu identifizieren...
Systemische Aufstellung mit Tierfiguren: Einblick und Entwicklungspotenzial im Teamkontext
Die systemische Aufstellung mit Tierfiguren Die systemische Aufstellung ist eine tiefgreifende Methode im Bereich der psychologischen Beratung, des Coachings und der persönlichen Entwicklung, die darauf abzielt, die zwischenmenschlichen Dynamiken und...
Wie du deine Organisation mit To-Do-Listen optimierst: Die besten Tipps und Tools
Du fühlst dich oft von deinen Aufgaben überfordert und weißt nicht, wo du anfangen sollst? Dein Tag endet häufig mit unerledigten Aufgaben und Frust? Keine Sorge, du bist nicht...
Wie Teambuilding und Systemisches Coaching Hand in Hand gehen
Team building and systemic coaching are two powerful tools that are used in companies and organizations to strengthen teams and increase their performance. Although they have different approaches,...
Einsatzbereiche des Systembretts - ein Überblick
1. family constellation: Insights into family dynamics The system board is a central tool in family constellations. It enables the visualization of family relationships and entanglements....
Die häufigsten Fragen & Antworten zum Systembrett
What is a system board / family board? The system board is a versatile tool that is used in various areas such as family therapy, supervision, coaching and organizational consulting....
Organisationsaufstellung mit dem Systembrett: Erfolgsfaktoren für ein harmonisches Arbeitsumfeld
What is an organizational constellation with the system board? The organizational constellation with the system board is an effective method of systemic organizational development. Originally based on family constellations, it...
Familienaufstellungen: eine tiefgreifende Methode zur Erforschung familiärer Dynamiken
What are family constellations? Family constellations, also known as systemic family constellations or family constellations, are a profound psychotherapeutic technique. It is based on the assumption that our family background...
How best to convey learning units in group workshops
Imagine you have a huge bowl of cereal in front of you. If you try to gulp it all down in one bite, you'll probably not get full, you'll choke....
Team building: with the Kreiselzeichner to the "As if from a single source" team
Can your team make a perfect circle? "As if from a single source" or "everything from a single source". A saying that is often used by companies that...
Wheel of Life - a coaching tool
As coaches or trainers, we want to offer our clients and trainees the best possible support in order to ideally turn weaknesses into strengths. The basis is always similar, regardless...
New perspectives through the system board
Unresolved conflicts are not good in the long run. However, the causes and possible solutions are often simply not recognizable from one's own perspective. Imagine you are in...
Working with the Fröbelturm - a report from practice
How can two stuck groups become a team? In the branch of a clothing company, there were frequent arguments between the employees. After many individual and group discussions, the...
Zollstock - The cooperation game
A simple game with great benefits Only 20 minutes...that's how long your participants can concentrate on a speech. After that, the likelihood that your listeners will spontaneously fall asleep...
Five tips for introverted coaches and team leaders
Without confidence it is difficult to coach and lead.... Why should your group trust you if you don't believe in your own abilities?
Working with the "teambahn"
Get team building rolling Team building can be explained in a long lecture. Best with Powerpoint and flipchart. This ensures that the participants no longer have...
Why is team building so important in a company?
Team building brings people together by fostering collaboration and social intelligence. Team building in the workplace is the process of creating a team that works coherently towards a common...
Coachingspace - the online system board
You do not need to be physically close to your clients to successfully work with them on the system board Working on the system board can help psychiatrists...
ideen.kollektiv Blog
Der Teambuilding- und Coachingblog
Verstehe das Vier-Farben-Modell: Ein Leitfaden für effektive Kommunikation
In einer zunehmend vernetzten Welt ist es unerlässlich, verschiedene Persönlichkeitstypen zu verstehen. Das Vier-Farben-Modell, abgeleitet aus dem DISG-Modell, bietet Dir eine klare und einfache Methode, um menschliche Verhaltensweisen zu identifizieren...
Systemische Aufstellung mit Tierfiguren: Einblick und Entwicklungspotenzial im Teamkontext
Die systemische Aufstellung mit Tierfiguren Die systemische Aufstellung ist eine tiefgreifende Methode im Bereich der psychologischen Beratung, des Coachings und der persönlichen Entwicklung, die darauf abzielt, die zwischenmenschlichen Dynamiken und...
Wie du deine Organisation mit To-Do-Listen optimierst: Die besten Tipps und Tools
Du fühlst dich oft von deinen Aufgaben überfordert und weißt nicht, wo du anfangen sollst? Dein Tag endet häufig mit unerledigten Aufgaben und Frust? Keine Sorge, du bist nicht...
Wie Teambuilding und Systemisches Coaching Hand in Hand gehen
Team building and systemic coaching are two powerful tools that are used in companies and organizations to strengthen teams and increase their performance. Although they have different approaches,...
Einsatzbereiche des Systembretts - ein Überblick
1. family constellation: Insights into family dynamics The system board is a central tool in family constellations. It enables the visualization of family relationships and entanglements....
Die häufigsten Fragen & Antworten zum Systembrett
What is a system board / family board? The system board is a versatile tool that is used in various areas such as family therapy, supervision, coaching and organizational consulting....
Organisationsaufstellung mit dem Systembrett: Erfolgsfaktoren für ein harmonisches Arbeitsumfeld
What is an organizational constellation with the system board? The organizational constellation with the system board is an effective method of systemic organizational development. Originally based on family constellations, it...
Familienaufstellungen: eine tiefgreifende Methode zur Erforschung familiärer Dynamiken
What are family constellations? Family constellations, also known as systemic family constellations or family constellations, are a profound psychotherapeutic technique. It is based on the assumption that our family background...
How best to convey learning units in group workshops
Imagine you have a huge bowl of cereal in front of you. If you try to gulp it all down in one bite, you'll probably not get full, you'll choke....
Team building: with the Kreiselzeichner to the "As if from a single source" team
Can your team make a perfect circle? "As if from a single source" or "everything from a single source". A saying that is often used by companies that...
Wheel of Life - a coaching tool
As coaches or trainers, we want to offer our clients and trainees the best possible support in order to ideally turn weaknesses into strengths. The basis is always similar, regardless...
New perspectives through the system board
Unresolved conflicts are not good in the long run. However, the causes and possible solutions are often simply not recognizable from one's own perspective. Imagine you are in...
Working with the Fröbelturm - a report from practice
How can two stuck groups become a team? In the branch of a clothing company, there were frequent arguments between the employees. After many individual and group discussions, the...
Zollstock - The cooperation game
A simple game with great benefits Only 20 minutes...that's how long your participants can concentrate on a speech. After that, the likelihood that your listeners will spontaneously fall asleep...
Five tips for introverted coaches and team leaders
Without confidence it is difficult to coach and lead.... Why should your group trust you if you don't believe in your own abilities?
Working with the "teambahn"
Get team building rolling Team building can be explained in a long lecture. Best with Powerpoint and flipchart. This ensures that the participants no longer have...
Why is team building so important in a company?
Team building brings people together by fostering collaboration and social intelligence. Team building in the workplace is the process of creating a team that works coherently towards a common...
Coachingspace - the online system board
You do not need to be physically close to your clients to successfully work with them on the system board Working on the system board can help psychiatrists...
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