"Our mission is to empower teams through our products."
Our story
In 2020, Sebastian Hagenbruch developed the first version of the product "System board - the classic" after months of research. In many conversations with coaches and consultants from the systemic practice, he worked out the functions, the design and the materials in painstaking detail. More products followed, all with the same goal - to improve communication in your team or with your clients.
In 2021, the small project ideen.kollektiv became a real brand and the founders Sebastian Hagenbruch and Semir Muminovic officially registered it at the German Patent and Trademark Office with their company Universals101 oHG. Initially, sales were only carried out via large platforms. However, it quickly became clear that ideen.kollektiv, as a sustainable company, needed its own store in order to be able to operate independently and close to its customers - the birth of the ideen.kollektiv online store. Even today, we are grateful when customers decide to buy directly from our store and not from the platforms.
In 2022 the company moves to a larger office and warehouse in a green hearty district of Munich - Sendling. The two founders become a real team and the first employees come on board permanently.
And today? ideen.kollektiv continues to grow and regularly develops new products in the area of teambuilding and coaching. Existing products are constantly improved (thanks to your great feedback!), because the most important issue is and remains: customer satisfaction. Every day we do our best to provide the most customer-oriented service available in our segment and to offer products made of sustainable materials at the best possible price. In addition, we are committed to fair working conditions and sustainable materials. We say thank you for over 4000 customers!

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