metaFox - deep pictures ‚Gefühlswelten‘ Fotopostkarten €39,95
A deck of cards with 52 inspiring impulses Personal development for all metaFox believes that emotional intelligence is the basis for a successful life. With their products, they therefore provide tools for authentic coaching and workshop experiences as well as personal growth. Stimulates intensive conversations... At first glance, they look like postcards. At second glance, the metaFox deep pictures are a useful tool for trainers, instructors, educators, therapists and simply anyone who strives for intensive reflection and deeper conversations. ...with powerful images... The deep pictures 'emotional worlds' come in boxes with 52 picture cards. On the front you will find carefully selected pictures that offer you metaphors and associations to help you connect with your experiences and start a conversation. ...and sensible questions. When you turn your card over, you will be confronted with a coaching question that matches the theme of the picture and invites you to deepen your thoughts even further. Discuss in the group, write your answer on your card and make it your anchor and reminder.  
Teamloop from €74,95 €79,95
The team loop Versatile use The ideen.kollektiv Lycra cloth is suitable as an icebreaker game for team building events, as a dynamic exercise to strengthen group cohesion, or as a safe place for joint brainstorming and feedback sessions. The right cloth for every group The lycra cloth is available in three different sizes, which are optimally adapted to the size of your group. It can therefore be used for teams of 2-20 people. There is even more space for children. Development down to the last detail The team loop is made from a high-quality and durable fabric that ensures optimum elasticity for different group sizes. The deliberately chosen width offers a feeling of safety and maximum comfort.  
Pro Constellation Board (round) €123,95 €129,95
About the Pro Constellation Board (round) Constellation Board with edge line Almost any conceivable situation can be externalized with this board. The printed edge line can be used as a spatial separation in the system. If you don't need an edge line, you can simply turn the board over - the back has no demarcation line. Various wooden figures The different figures and elements have been specially designed and made from solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, themes, tasks, problems or projects. There are 24 figures with eyes and 8 elements without eyes. Different shapes for even more possibilities The different shapes and sizes are perfect for representing gender, status or age. The solid wood figures are particularly suitable for anyone who values a natural look.    
Einzelne systemische Figuren €4,95
  Einzelne Figuren zum Kombinieren oder Nachkaufen... Gestalte deine eigene Aufstellung! Mit den einzelnen systemischen Figuren hast du die Freiheit, deine systemische Arbeit nach deinen eigenen Vorstellungen zu gestalten. Wähle die Figuren aus, die am besten zu deiner Situation passen. Von klassischen Familienmitgliedern bis hin zu abstrakten Konzepten - lasse deiner Kreativität freien Lauf! Die perfekte Ergänzung für dein Setup! Ergänze deine bestehende Kollektion mit systemischen Figuren aus verschiedenen Sets. Dank der Möglichkeit, einzelne Figuren nach Bedarf auszuwählen, bist du nicht länger an ein ganzes Set gebunden. So kannst du individuelle Kombinationen erstellen und dein Setup perfekt an deine Anforderungen anpassen. Die Vielfalt der systemischen Figuren... Jede Figur wurde sorgfältig entworfen, um eine einzigartige Rolle in deiner Aufstellung zu spielen. Ob Familienmitglieder, Emotionen, Berufe, Tiere, Probleme oder Ressourcen - wähle aus unserem gesamten Sortiment und gestalte deine Aufstellung nach deinen eigenen Bedürfnissen.
Premium hand impression set - for group workshops or experiential education €29,95 €34,95
Your own handprint in just a few steps! The perfect gift A personal gift that will make people think of an event or a person for years to come - that is our aim with this product. Whether as an experience gift for couples, a creative gift idea for anniversaries, weddings, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Mother's Day and birthdays or as an event for the whole family. The Makai hand impression set is a crafting set for adults that is not only a lot of fun, but also creates a great memory! A natural product The alginate supplied is a natural product and is obtained from algae. Our alabaster plaster is characterized by its extra fine grain size and pure white color. We have deliberately avoided using cheap building plaster and artificial molding compounds in order to rule out dermatological and quality risks. An independent testing institute has confirmed that it is very skin-friendly. The wooden base supplied is made of polished solid wood. Complete premium set Das 3D Premium Handabdruck-Set wird sicher verpackt in einem Umkarton und einem Abformeimer geliefert. Enthalten sind 450g hochwertiges Alginat, 1200g feinster Alabastergips, Handschuhe und für den Feinschliff ein Spieß, Schmirgelpapier, sowie eine hochwertige Nagelfeile aus rostfreiem Stahl. Natürlich mit deutschsprachigem Handbuch und Anleitungsvideo. Zusätzlich im Premiumset: eine Podestplatte aus Echtholz und ein Pinsel mit sechs Farben. Gestalte Dein Kunstwerk! Better than the competition Als Startup wissen wir, dass unsere Kunden nur mit herausragender Qualität und mit Liebe zum Detail zufrieden sind. Jede Produkteigenschaft und jeder Anleitungsschritt wurde 10x durchdacht und so optimiert, dass das Anfertigen des Handabdrucks für Dich kinderleicht gestaltet wird. Bei der Qualität haben wir nur auf die besten Materialien gesetzt und bieten Dir einen Video-Kurs, einen deutschsprachigen Kundenservice und eine Zufriedenheitsgarantie - ohne Wenn und Aber!    
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