Constellation Board Bundle
€62,90 EUR
The system board bundle
Divisible system board with edge line
The system board consists of two corrugated parts, which enable a spatial division of the set-up figures. The laser-cut edge line can also be used as a spatial divider in the system. If you don't need an edge line, you can simply turn the board over - the back has no lasered line.
Various wooden figures
The different figures and elements have been specially designed and made from solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, themes, tasks, problems or projects. 6 types of figures (28 in total) have eyes - so they can be used to represent a direction of gaze or looking away.
Different colors for even more possibilities
The different colors are perfect for representing different character types (phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine (here in white) or even genders or moods. The colorful figures also have eyes, which make it possible to depict a direction of gaze.
The complete package
Our system board has been rethought from the ground up and is improved from batch to batch. Each individual feature offers possibilities and can be used in a variety of ways in practice. For example, the cords can be used as zones, dividing lines or connections.
Hold the lineup
This documentation block for the system board is recommended for better documentation of progress with a client. It provides the necessary structure to work professionally. There are two system boards on the template. The actual state and the target state.
Constellation Board Pro Bundle
€163,70 EUR
About the Pro System Board Bundle
Divisible system board with edge line
The approx. 1 cm thick system board consists of two parts that allow the figures to be spatially divided. The printed edge line can also be used as a spatial separation in the system. If you don't need an edge line, you can simply turn the board over - the back has no edge line.
Various wooden figures
The different figures and elements have been specially designed and made from solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, themes, tasks, problems or projects. There are 24 figures with eyes and 8 elements without eyes.
Different shapes for even more possibilities
The different shapes and sizes are perfect for representing gender, status or age. The solid wood figures are particularly suitable for anyone who values a natural look.
A versatile tool for your systemic work!
The systemic figures with card slot offer many possibilities to externalize a situation. The cards supplied can be written on and placed on the figures. Alternatively, photos or coaching cards can also be placed on the figures. A versatile and indispensable tool for systemic work!
Systembrett Pro Bundle - Rund
€163,70 EUR
Über das Pro Systembrett Bundle - Rund
Rundes Systembrett mit Randlinie
Das ca. 1cm dicke Systembrett besteht aus massivem Buchenholz in Premiumoptik. Die aufgedruckte Randlinie lässt sich als räumliche Trennung im System nutzen. Falls man keine Randlinie benötigt, kann man das Brett einfach wenden - die Rückseite hat nämlich keine Randlinie.
Verschiedene Figuren aus Holz
Die unterschiedlichen Figuren und Elemente wurden speziell designed und aus Vollholz gefertigt. Sie lassen sich nach belieben einsetzen und können verschiedene Figuren wie Kinder, Frauen, Männer, Haustiere, Gegenstände, Themen, Aufgaben, Probleme oder Projekte darstellen. Es gibt 24 Figuren mit Augen und 8 Elemente ohne Augen.
Verschiedene Formen für noch mehr Möglichkeiten
Die verschiedenen Formen und Größen eignen sich perfekt um Geschlechter, Status, oder Alter darzustellen. Die Vollholzfiguren eignen sich vor allem jeden, der Wert auf eine natürliche Optik legt.
Ein vielseitiges Tool für Deine systemische Arbeit!
Die systemischen Figuren mit Kartenschlitz bieten viele Möglichkeiten um eine Situation zu Externalisieren. Die mitgelieferten Karten können beschrieben und auf die Figuren gestellt werden. Alternativ können auch Fotos oder Coachingkarten auf den Figuren platziert werden. Ein vielseitiges und unverzichtbares Tool für die systemische Arbeit!
Systembrett Pro Bundle - Deluxe
€178,97 EUR
Über das Systembrett Pro Bundle - Deluxe
Teilbares Systembrett mit Randlinie
Das ca. 1cm dicke Systembrett besteht aus zwei Teilen, welche eine räumliche Teilung der aufgestellten Figuren ermöglichen. Die aufgedruckte Randlinie lässt sich ebenfalls als räumliche Trennung im System nutzen. Falls man keine Randlinie benötigt, kann man das Brett einfach wenden - die Rückseite hat nämlich keine Randlinie.
4 Farben - 4 Persönlichkeitstypen
Die vier Farben der bunten Pro Figuren (Rot, Gelb, Grün und Blau) sind bewusst gewählt und bieten dir vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeit bei deiner Aufstellung. Jede Farbe repräsentiert spezifische Verhaltensmuster und Vorlieben, die dir helfen, Menschen schnell und effektiv einzuschätzen. Die bunten Systembrett Pro Figuren sind ideal, um die Interaktionen der Persönlichkeitstypen in systemischen Aufstellungen darzustellen.
Verschiedene Formen für noch mehr Möglichkeiten
Die Figuren aus der Pro-Serie bieten viele Möglichkeiten, um eine Situation zu externalisieren. Ob im professionellen oder privaten Coaching-, Therapeuten- oder Geschäftsumfeld – die systemischen Figuren sind perfekt geeignet für systemisches Coaching, Familienaufstellung, Organisationsaufstellung, Supervision, Psychotherapie, Situationsnachstellungen oder -planung, Paarberatung sowie das alleinige Externalisieren und Brainstorming.
Ein vielseitiges Tool für deine systemische Arbeit!
Die goldenen Figuren bieten ein breites Anwendungsspektrum, indem sie verschiedene Formen repräsentieren, darunter Kinder, Frauen, Männer, Haustiere, Gegenstände, Themen, Aufgaben, Probleme oder Projekte. In Kombination mit anderen Figuren heben sie sich besonders durch ihre goldene Farbe hervor und können spezielle Systemanteile betonen. Zusätzlich sind alle Figuren mit Augen ausgestattet, sodass Blickrichtungen oder das Wegschauen dargestellt werden können!
System Board - The Classic
€57,95 EUR
About the System Board
Divisible System Board with Edge Line
The system board consists of two corrugated parts, which allows a spatial division of the set up figures. The lasered edge line can also be used as a spatial division in the system. If you do not need a edge line, you can simply turn the board - the back side does not have a lasered line.
Various Wooden Figures
The different figures and elements are specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as you like and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. 6 types of figures (28 pcs in total) have eyes - so a direction of gaze or wake-up can be represented.
Different Colors for even more Possibilities
Different colors for even more possibilitiesThe different colors are perfect for representing different character types (phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine (-here in white) or even genders or moods. Also the colorful figures have eyes, which allow the representation of a direction of vision.
The complete Package
Our system board has been rethought from the ground up and is improved from batch to batch. Each individual feature offers possibilities and can be used in a variety of ways in practice. For example, the cords can be used as zones, dividing line or connection.
Pro System Board
€123,95 EUR
About the Pro Constellation Board
Divisible System Board with Edge Line
The approx. 1cm thick constellation board consists of two parts, which enable a spatial division of the set-up figures. The printed border line can also be used as a spatial separation in the system. If you do not need a border line, you can simply turn the board - the back side has no border line.
Various Wooden Figures
The different figures and elements are specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. There are 24 figures with eyes and 8 elements without eyes.
Different Shapes for even more Possibilities
The different shapes and sizes are perfect to represent genders, status, or age. The solid wood figures are especially suitable for anyone who values a natural look.
Pro Constellation Board (round)
€123,95 EUR
About the Pro Constellation Board (round)
Constellation Board with edge line
Almost any conceivable situation can be externalized with this board. The printed edge line can be used as a spatial separation in the system. If you don't need an edge line, you can simply turn the board over - the back has no demarcation line.
Various wooden figures
The different figures and elements have been specially designed and made from solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, themes, tasks, problems or projects. There are 24 figures with eyes and 8 elements without eyes.
Different shapes for even more possibilities
The different shapes and sizes are perfect for representing gender, status or age. The solid wood figures are particularly suitable for anyone who values a natural look.
Constellation Board Pro Figures
€47,95 EUR
About the Constellation Board Pro Figures
A Versatile Tool for your Systemic Work!
The Constellation Board Pro figures offer many possibilities to externalize a situation. Whether in a professional or private coaching, therapy or business environment, the systemic figures are perfect for systemic coaching, family constellation, organizational constellation, supervision, psychotherapy, situation re-enactment or planning, couples counseling as well as externalizing and brainstorming alone.
Different Shapes for even more Possibilities
The different figures are specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. Some figurines have eyes so that a line of sight or alternate looking can be represented. The solid wood figures are especially suitable for those who value a natural look.
Development to the last Detail
Best beech wood and the latest laser technology for the minimalist eyes of the figures. The figures are hand-sanded and have slightly rounded edges. The cotton bag is extra thick, high quality and durable material. We have spared no expense and effort to bring out the best for you.
Constellation Board Pro Figures (with Card Slot and Cards)
€57,95 EUR
About the Systembrett Pro Figures with Card Slot and Cards
Where can the Systembrett Pro Figures with a Card Slot be Used?
Whether in professional or private coaching, therapist or business environments, the System Board Pro figures with card slot are perfect for systemic coaching, family constellation, organizational constellation, supervision, psychotherapy, situational re-enactment or planning, couples counseling, as well as for externalizing and brainstorming on your own.
A Versatile Tool for your Systemic Work!
The systemic figures with card slot offer many possibilities to externalize a situation. The included cards can be written on and placed on the figures. Alternatively, photos or coaching cards can be placed on the figures. A versatile and indispensable tool for systemic work!
Different Shapes for even more Possibilities!
The different figures are specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. The 6 types of figures (28 pcs in total) have eyes - so a line of sight or waking up can be represented. The solid wood figurines are especially suitable for those who value a natural look.
Pro Figuren Bundle - Color
€67,41 EUR
Über das Pro Figuren Bundle - Color
Verschiedene Formen für noch mehr Möglichkeiten
Die Figuren aus der Pro-Serie bieten viele Möglichkeiten, um eine Situation zu externalisieren. Ob im professionellen oder privaten Coaching-, Therapeuten- oder Geschäftsumfeld – die systemischen Figuren sind perfekt geeignet für systemisches Coaching, Familienaufstellung, Organisationsaufstellung, Supervision, Psychotherapie, Situationsnachstellungen oder -planung, Paarberatung sowie das alleinige Externalisieren und Brainstorming.
4 Farben - 4 Persönlichkeitstypen
Die vier Farben der bunten Pro Figuren (Rot, Gelb, Grün und Blau) sind bewusst gewählt und bieten dir vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeit bei deiner Aufstellung. Jede Farbe repräsentiert spezifische Verhaltensmuster und Vorlieben, die dir helfen, Menschen schnell und effektiv einzuschätzen. Die bunten Systembrett Pro Figuren sind ideal, um die Interaktionen der Persönlichkeitstypen in systemischen Aufstellungen darzustellen.
Entwicklung bis ins letzte Detail
Die unterschiedlichen Figuren wurden speziell designt und präzise aus bestem Buchenholz gefertigt, lackiert und die Augen hauchdünn in schwarz handgemalt. Jede Figur wird sorgfältig von Hand geschliffen, wodurch leicht abgerundete Kanten entstehen. Die Vollholzfiguren eignen sich besonders für diejenigen, die Wert auf eine ansprechende Optik legen und höchste Qualität schätzen. Ihr edles Erscheinungsbild hebt sie hervor und ermöglicht eine einzigartige Darstellung in systemischen Anwendungen aller Art.
Ein vielseitiges Tool für deine systemische Arbeit!
Jede Pro Figur bieten ein breites Anwendungsspektrum, indem sie verschiedene Formen repräsentieren, darunter Kinder, Frauen, Männer, Haustiere, Gegenstände, Themen, Aufgaben, Probleme oder Projekte. In Kombination mit anderen Figuren heben sie sich besonders durch ihre Farbe hervor und können spezielle Systemanteile betonen. Zusätzlich sind alle Figuren mit Augen ausgestattet, sodass Blickrichtungen oder das Wegschauen dargestellt werden können!
Constellation Board Pro Figures (colorful)
€57,95 EUR
About the colorful Constellation Board Pro figures
A versatile tool for your systemic work!
The colorful System Board Pro figures offer many possibilities for externalizing a situation. Whether in a professional or private coaching, therapy or business environment - the systemic figures are perfectly suited for systemic coaching, family constellations, organizational constellations, supervision, psychotherapy, situation reenactments or planning, couples counseling as well as sole externalization and brainstorming.
4 colors - 4 personality types
The four-color model assigns personality types four colors: red, yellow, green and blue. Each color represents specific behavioral patterns and preferences that help you assess people quickly and effectively. The colorful System Board Pro figures are ideal for representing the interactions of personality types in systemic constellations.
Different shapes for even more possibilities
The different figures were specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. All figures have eyes so that a direction of gaze or looking away can be shown. The solid wood figures are particularly suitable for those who value an attractive appearance.
Constellation Board Pro Figures (gold)
€16,95 EUR
About the golden constellation board figures
A versatile tool for your systemic work!
The golden system board figures offer many possibilities for externalizing a situation. Whether in a professional or private coaching, therapy or business environment - the systemic figures are perfectly suited for systemic coaching, family constellations, organizational constellations, supervision, psychotherapy, situation readjustments or planning, couples counselling as well as externalizing and brainstorming alone.
Different shapes for even more possibilities
The figures offer a wide range of applications by representing different shapes, including children, women, men, pets, objects, themes, tasks, problems or projects. In combination with other figures, they stand out particularly due to their golden color and can emphasize special system components. In addition, all figures are equipped with eyes so that directions of gaze or looking away can be represented.
Development down to the last detail
The different figures have been specially designed and precisely crafted from the best beech wood, using state-of-the-art laser technology for the minimalist eyes of the figures. Each figurine is carefully sanded by hand, resulting in slightly rounded edges. The golden solid wood figurines are particularly suitable for those who value an attractive appearance and appreciate the highest quality. Their elegant appearance makes them stand out and enables a unique display in systemic applications of all kinds.
System Board - Additional Figures
€30,95 EUR
About the Additional Constellation Board Figures
Various Figures Made of Wood
The different figures and elements are specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. 6 types of figures (a total of 28 pcs.) have eyes - so a direction of gaze or wake-up can be represented.
Different Colors for even more Possibilities
The different colors are perfect for representing different character types (phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine (-here in white) or even genders or moods. Also the colorful figures have eyes, which allow the representation of a direction of vision.
Individual Systemic Figures
€4,95 EUR
Individual figures to combine or repurchase...
Create your own constellation!
With the individual systemic figures, you have the freedom to design your systemic work according to your own ideas. Choose the figures that best suit your situation. From classic family members to abstract concepts - let your creativity run wild!
The perfect addition to your setup!
Complement your existing collection with systemic figures from different sets. Thanks to the ability to select individual figures as needed, you are no longer tied to an entire set. This allows you to create individual combinations and adapt your setup perfectly to your requirements.
The diversity of systemic figures...
Each figure has been carefully designed to play a unique role in your constellation. Whether family members, emotions, professions, animals, problems or resources - choose from our entire range and design your constellation according to your own needs.
Animal Figures
€57,95 EUR
About the animal figures
Creative impulse in systemic coaching
Systemic constellation is a profound method in the field of psychological counseling, coaching and personal development that aims to better understand and optimize interpersonal dynamics and structures. By using animal figures that represent people or characteristic role patterns, this method enables a creative and emotional approach to understanding complex relationships.
Animal figures in team development
Animal figures in systemic constellations allow a deeper and often more intuitive understanding of team dynamics. Each animal brings its own symbolism, which enables a multi-layered reflection of the various team roles. The selection and positioning of the animals - such as a turtle, tiger, cow, lion or giraffe - creates a visual and tangible image of the group structure and promotes discussion about individual contributions and relationships within the team.
Playful system work for young and old
The child-friendly animal figures allow a playful experience of system constellations. With the 22 different animal figures in various sizes, system members, problems or needs can be clearly represented by animals. The figures are particularly suitable for the easy representation of relationships and support the visualization of family and other social systems in a playful way.
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Free delivery from 75€*
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