Individual Systemic Figures
  Individual figures to combine or repurchase... Create your own constellation! With the individual systemic figures, you have the freedom to design your systemic work according to your own ideas. Choose the figures that best suit your situation. From classic family members to abstract concepts - let your creativity run wild! The perfect addition to your setup! Complement your existing collection with systemic figures from different sets. Thanks to the ability to select individual figures as needed, you are no longer tied to an entire set. This allows you to create individual combinations and adapt your setup perfectly to your requirements. The diversity of systemic figures... Each figure has been carefully designed to play a unique role in your constellation. Whether family members, emotions, professions, animals, problems or resources - choose from our entire range and design your constellation according to your own needs.
Scaling Distance €19,95
About the scaling distance The intuitive tool for in-depth coaching The scaling track is an innovative method to make emotional states, intensities or different development phases tangible. Every interaction with the scaling track leads to a deeper understanding. It was developed to help translate complex emotions and processes into clear and manageable dimensions. For exploring different intensities With a scale from 1 to 10, the scale allows for precise classification and description of emotions and intensities. Perfectly matched to the large Pro system board figures (the size of the boxes is suitable for the large Pro figures), it is an indispensable tool for any coaching, be it in school, in a therapeutic environment or in counseling. Minimalistic but effective The scale can be used in many different ways. It is not only used to assess and improve stress levels, happiness and life satisfaction, but also to visualize a development process. The scale from 1 to 10 enables precise classification, with 1 symbolizing low intensity and 10 symbolizing high intensity. The individual levels are marked by graduated shades of gray, with the darkest level representing low intensity and the lightest representing very high intensity. The scale therefore offers a clear and visual representation of the intensity levels.
System Cloth €19,95
About the system cloth The ideal addition for flexible use Expand your systemic toolbox with the system cloth! If you travel a lot and still don't want to do without the system board, use your system board figures with the system cloth. This will save you space and weight during your creative sessions! Lightweight, compact and versatile Externalize every conceivable situation at the location of your choice. With its compact format and low weight, the system cloth fits easily into any bag and is ideal for mobile use. The edge line can be used as a spatial separation in the system. If you don't need an edge line, you can simply turn the cloth over, as the reverse side has no line. Sophisticated and durable  We have spared no expense or effort in the development of this product. The fabric is characterized by first-class quality, is durable and consists of 50% cotton and 50% polyester!
Rope - Therapy Rope - "Red Thread" - 15m from €9,95 €14,95
The Therapy Rope Sturdy and Durable The therapy rope from ideen.kollektiv is made of high-quality materials, which makes it robust and durable. It can be used for various applications without wearing out quickly. Easy to Stow The rope is available in different lengths. Due to its optimal thickness and adjusted weight, the rope is easy to store and transport. It is easy to handle and is perfect for use on the road. Versatile Use The rope can be used for various applications such as team building games, better illustration and much more. It is an indispensable accessory for anyone who works with groups and/or outdoors.
To-do list - without schedule (100 sheets, A5)
The task list for effective time and project management This is sustainable! 100% Made in Germany and certified climate-neutrally printed - Our to-do lists are designed and manufactured for you in Germany. #supportyourlocals This is what quality feels like We deliberately chose high-quality 120gsm paper in natural white. This not only gives you a clear view, but also a tactile experience of the highest class! 100 pages A5 With twice as many sheets as other manufacturers, you won't run out of your favorite organizer tool so quickly. The DIN A5 format fits in any handbag, as well as being an insert in your organizer or bullet journal. Modern, minimalist & above all practical Whether for organization at school, work, your studies, your private life or your heart's project - the ideen.kollektiv to-do lists are as flexible as your life!
To-do list - with schedule (100 sheets, A5)
The task list for effective time and project management This is sustainable! 100% Made in Germany and certified climate-neutrally printed - Our to-do lists are designed and manufactured for you in Germany. #supportyourlocals This is what quality feels like We deliberately chose high-quality 120gsm paper in natural white. This not only gives you a clear view, but also a tactile experience of the highest class! 100 pages A5 With twice as many sheets as other manufacturers, you won't run out of your favorite organizer tool so quickly. The DIN A5 format fits in any handbag, as well as being an insert in your organizer or bullet journal. Modern, minimalist & above all practical Whether for organization at school, work, your studies, your private life or your heart's project - the ideen.kollektiv to-do lists are as flexible as your life!
System Board - 50 Sheets A4 Coaching Block (additional tools for the System Board) €12,95
The System Board Docu-Block Hold the Lineup To better document progress with a client, this documentation block for the System Board is recommended. It provides the necessary structure to work professionally. There are two System Boards on the template. The actual and the target state. #supportyourlocal The product is produced climate neutrally in Germany. Designed in Munich.  
Wheel of life - 50 Sheets A4 Coaching Pad €12,95
Wheel of Life - a Coaching Tool Holistic Perspective Get with the "wheel of life" an all-encompassing view of the current actual state of the 8 most important areas of life. The target state can also be displayed! For Personal Growth or Work with Clients A change of perspective: from operationally reacting to circumstances to proactively shaping the reality of life. Can be used alone or as a tool to show your clients new perspectives. #supportyourlocal The product is produced climate neutrally in Germany. Designed in Munich.  
Constellation Board - Documentation Block (PDF)
The Constellation Board Docu-Block Hold the Lineup To better document progress with a client, this documentation block for the constellation board is recommended. It provides the necessary structure to work professionally. There are two constellation boards on the template. The actual and the target state. #community Sharing and passing on in the closest circle of acquaintances and colleagues is desired and even welcome - we are a community!  
Constellation Board - Constellation Templates (PDF) €3,95
Systemic Constellation - Templates Knowledge is Power We have created a digital template for you as a guide! On the first page you will find out how the systemic constellation works. On the second page you will find a scheme for the problem statement. You can find a detailed explanation of this in the video course . Learn, Apply... Apply what you have learned directly and also buy the ideen.kollekitv system board here. Combine theory with practice to achieve the best learning effect. For Advanced Are you already advanced? Then get the Systembrett Pro . Specially developed for and with professionals, it offers an even better platform to work extensively with clients.
Wheel of Life - Coaching Block (PDF)
Wheel of Life - a Coaching Tool Holistic Perspective Get with the "Wheel of Life" an all-encompassing view of the current actual state of the 8 most important areas of life. The target state can also be displayed! For Personal Growth or Working with Clients A change of perspective: from reacting operationally to circumstances, to proactively shaping the reality of life. Can be used alone or as a tool to show your clients new perspectives. #community Sharing and passing on in the closest circle of acquaintances and colleagues is desired and even welcome - we are a community!  
The Elephant in the Room - Coaching Card
An Impressive Metaphor for Coaching! The invisible elephant symbolizes an obvious problem that is in the room but remains unspoken. Printed climate-neutral in Germany The high-quality matt card made of 450g chromo sulphate cardboard convinces with the highest quality from Germany. A Minimalist Tool to Break the Ice! Your counterpart has a topic that he does not dare to talk about? Show him this lovingly designed art print.  
metaFox - deep pictures 'emotional worlds' photo postcards
A deck of cards with 52 inspiring impulses Personal development for all metaFox believes that emotional intelligence is the basis for a successful life. With their products, they therefore provide tools for authentic coaching and workshop experiences as well as personal growth. Stimulates intensive conversations... At first glance, they look like postcards. At second glance, the metaFox deep pictures are a useful tool for trainers, instructors, educators, therapists and simply anyone who strives for intensive reflection and deeper conversations. ...with powerful images... The deep pictures 'emotional worlds' come in boxes with 52 picture cards. On the front you will find carefully selected pictures that offer you metaphors and associations to help you connect with your experiences and start a conversation. ...and sensible questions. When you turn your card over, you will be confronted with a coaching question that matches the theme of the picture and invites you to deepen your thoughts even further. Discuss in the group, write your answer on your card and make it your anchor and reminder.  
metaFox - deep pictures „ORIGINAL“ Fotopostkarten
Ein Kartendeck mit 52 anregenden Impulsen Persönliche Entwicklung für alle metaFox glaubt daran, dass emotionale Intelligenz die Basis für ein gelingendes Leben ist. Mit ihren Produkten stellen sie daher Hilfsmittel für authentische Coaching- und Workshop-Erfahrungen sowie persönliches Wachstum bereit. Regt zu intensiven Gesprächen an... Auf den ersten Blick sehen sie aus wie Postkarten. Auf den zweiten Blick sind die metaFox deep pictures ein nützliches Werkzeug für Trainer, Ausbilder, Pädagogen, Therapeuten und einfach jeden, der nach intensiver Reflexion und tieferen Gesprächen strebt. kraftvollen Bildern... Die deep pictures "Original" kommen in einer Schachtel mit 52 Bildkarten. Auf der Vorderseite findest du sorgfältig ausgewählte Bilder, die dir Metaphern und Assoziationen bieten, um dich mit deinen Erfahrungen zu verbinden und einen Einstieg in ein Gespräch zu ermöglichen. ...und sinnvolle Fragen. Wenn du deine Karte umdrehst, wirst du mit einer Coaching-Frage konfrontiert, die zum Thema des Bildes passt und dich einlädt, deine Gedanken noch weiter zu vertiefen. Diskutiere in der Gruppe, schreibe deine Antwort auf deine Karte und mache sie zu deinem Anker und deiner Erinnerungshilfe.  
metaFox - Werte-Coaching-Karten „Was wirklich zählt!“
Wertekarten, mit denen du entdecken, Prioritäten setzen und erleben kannst, was dir am wichtigsten ist! Persönliche Entwicklung für alle metaFox glaubt daran, dass emotionale Intelligenz die Basis für ein gelingendes Leben ist. Mit ihren Produkten stellen sie daher Hilfsmittel für authentische Coaching- und Workshop-Erfahrungen sowie persönliches Wachstum bereit. Was macht diese Wertekarten einzigartig? Das „Was wirklich zählt!“ Wertekarten sind 80 Coachingkarten aus hochwertigen und langlebigen Materialien. Auf jeder Karte steht der Wert in Großbuchstaben, ein Symbol zur Visualisierung, die Definition des Werts auf der Rückseite und die Farbe, die die Kategorie darstellt. Optionale Karten sind mit einem Pluszeichen versehen – du kannst diese Karten entfernen, wenn du mit einer kleineren Auswahl arbeiten möchtest. Diese Wertekarten wurden sorgfältig ausgewählt, um dich dabei zu unterstützen, Prioritäten zu setzen und nach deinen Grundwerten zu leben! Warum die Wertekarten verwenden? Werte sind die Motivationsgrundlagen für Einstellungen und Verhalten. Die Entdeckung der Werte, die wir haben oder haben wollen, kann uns enorme Einblicke und Orientierung für unsere persönliche Entwicklung geben.     Für Gruppencoaching Jeder Teilnehmer bekommt ein Kartendeck. Bitte sie, der Gruppe seine 5 wichtigsten Werte vorzustellen. Fördere den Austausch und die Interaktion zwischen den Teilnehmern. Einige Fragen, die du stellen kannst: Wie haben deine Werte dein Verhalten geprägt? Wie wäre es, wenn du deine gewählten Werte jeden Tag manifestieren kannst?  
metaFox - deep pictures „ZusammenWachsen“ Fotopostkarten
Breite die Karten aus und setze Impulse! Persönliche Entwicklung für alle metaFox glaubt daran, dass emotionale Intelligenz die Basis für ein gelingendes Leben ist. Mit ihren Produkten stellen sie daher Hilfsmittel für authentische Coaching- und Workshop-Erfahrungen sowie persönliches Wachstum bereit. Regt zu intensiven Gesprächen an... Auf den ersten Blick sehen sie aus wie Postkarten. Auf den zweiten Blick sind die metaFox deep pictures ein nützliches Werkzeug für Trainer, Ausbilder, Pädagogen, Therapeuten und einfach jeden, der nach intensiver Reflexion und tieferen Gesprächen strebt. kraftvollen Bildern... Die deep pictures kommen in einer Packung mit 52 Bildkarten. Die Vorderseite zeigt sorgfältig kuratierte Bilder, die Metaphern und Assoziationen für Erlebtes und Einstiegspunkte in Gespräche bieten.​   ...und sinnvolle Fragen. Drehst du die Karte um, findest du eine Coaching-Frage, die zum Thema des Bildes passt und dazu einlädt, Reflexion noch weiter zu vertiefen. Zur Diskussion in der Gruppe, dem Aufschreiben persönlicher Gedanken oder als Anker nach der Sitzung.  
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