metaFox - deep pictures „ZusammenWachsen“ Fotopostkarten
Breite die Karten aus und setze Impulse! Persönliche Entwicklung für alle metaFox glaubt daran, dass emotionale Intelligenz die Basis für ein gelingendes Leben ist. Mit ihren Produkten stellen sie daher Hilfsmittel für authentische Coaching- und Workshop-Erfahrungen sowie persönliches Wachstum bereit. Regt zu intensiven Gesprächen an... Auf den ersten Blick sehen sie aus wie Postkarten. Auf den zweiten Blick sind die metaFox deep pictures ein nützliches Werkzeug für Trainer, Ausbilder, Pädagogen, Therapeuten und einfach jeden, der nach intensiver Reflexion und tieferen Gesprächen strebt. kraftvollen Bildern... Die deep pictures kommen in einer Packung mit 52 Bildkarten. Die Vorderseite zeigt sorgfältig kuratierte Bilder, die Metaphern und Assoziationen für Erlebtes und Einstiegspunkte in Gespräche bieten.​   ...und sinnvolle Fragen. Drehst du die Karte um, findest du eine Coaching-Frage, die zum Thema des Bildes passt und dazu einlädt, Reflexion noch weiter zu vertiefen. Zur Diskussion in der Gruppe, dem Aufschreiben persönlicher Gedanken oder als Anker nach der Sitzung.  
metaFox - Werte-Coaching-Karten „Was wirklich zählt!“
Wertekarten, mit denen du entdecken, Prioritäten setzen und erleben kannst, was dir am wichtigsten ist! Persönliche Entwicklung für alle metaFox glaubt daran, dass emotionale Intelligenz die Basis für ein gelingendes Leben ist. Mit ihren Produkten stellen sie daher Hilfsmittel für authentische Coaching- und Workshop-Erfahrungen sowie persönliches Wachstum bereit. Was macht diese Wertekarten einzigartig? Das „Was wirklich zählt!“ Wertekarten sind 80 Coachingkarten aus hochwertigen und langlebigen Materialien. Auf jeder Karte steht der Wert in Großbuchstaben, ein Symbol zur Visualisierung, die Definition des Werts auf der Rückseite und die Farbe, die die Kategorie darstellt. Optionale Karten sind mit einem Pluszeichen versehen – du kannst diese Karten entfernen, wenn du mit einer kleineren Auswahl arbeiten möchtest. Diese Wertekarten wurden sorgfältig ausgewählt, um dich dabei zu unterstützen, Prioritäten zu setzen und nach deinen Grundwerten zu leben! Warum die Wertekarten verwenden? Werte sind die Motivationsgrundlagen für Einstellungen und Verhalten. Die Entdeckung der Werte, die wir haben oder haben wollen, kann uns enorme Einblicke und Orientierung für unsere persönliche Entwicklung geben.     Für Gruppencoaching Jeder Teilnehmer bekommt ein Kartendeck. Bitte sie, der Gruppe seine 5 wichtigsten Werte vorzustellen. Fördere den Austausch und die Interaktion zwischen den Teilnehmern. Einige Fragen, die du stellen kannst: Wie haben deine Werte dein Verhalten geprägt? Wie wäre es, wenn du deine gewählten Werte jeden Tag manifestieren kannst?  
Moderation Balls €54,95
About the Moderation Balls Structured reflection and feedback organization After a learning project or workshop, moments of reflection are crucial. The moderation balls support structured evaluations by guiding the discussion in a targeted manner. Each ball represents a specific topic, allowing participants to express their thoughts in an organized manner. Ideal for exciting final rounds and an effective feedback culture. Creative questioning in coaching Experience the transformative power of the moderation balls as a coaching tool! The art of asking the right questions is supported by our balls. Each ball offers inspiration for a variety of questions that promote focus and reflection. The balls serve as haptic anchor points and allow the coach and the client to literally hold on to the questions. A new approach to solution-focused coaching and meta-perspectives. Inspiring communication in your team Whether in individual coaching, in a small group of 2-5 participants or in large teams, our balls offer you a new dimension of communication. Through targeted questions and the haptic stimulus, various sensory channels are addressed, which leads to deeper reflection and a broader understanding.
My Social Battery
My Social Battery – Your social energy communicates with a brooch Promoting empathy and understanding in groups The My Social Battery brooch offers you a creative way to express your social energy level. In social contexts, you can show how much energy you want to invest in a conversation or interaction by setting the brooch. This simple visual representation helps you and others to be more conscious of your own capacities. Practical tool for coaching and therapy The My Social Battery brooch can be a valuable tool in coaching and therapy sessions. It makes it easier to make abstract concepts such as social energy tangible and serves as a conversation starter for talking about personal boundaries, needs and resources. For private or professional situations The brooch promotes mutual understanding, especially in group situations. By allowing everyone to make their energy level visible, social interaction becomes more transparent and promotes empathy. You can see at a glance whether someone can put more or less energy into the interaction, which leads to more respectful and balanced conversations.
nail puzzle €34,95
The intelliGio nail puzzle - puzzle fun guaranteed! tricky puzzle fun The nail puzzle challenges your patience and fine motor skills. Can you place all the nails on the wooden stick at the same time? - ideal for everyone who loves challenges and enjoys solving puzzles. Promotes logical thinking and problem-solving skills With the nail puzzle you not only train your patience, but also your logical thinking and your ability to solve problems in a creative way. Perfect for young and old who want to strengthen their cognitive skills in a playful way. Sustainable and durable thanks to high-quality materials The intelliGio nail puzzle impresses with its first-class workmanship made from high-quality materials that promise durability. Robust metal nails made of stainless steel and an elegant wooden box not only ensure a long service life, but also recurring fun - for everlasting joy in puzzling.
Pro Figures Bundle - Color €83,90
About the Pro Figures Bundle - Color Different shapes for even more possibilities The figures from the Pro series offer many possibilities for externalizing a situation. Whether in a professional or private coaching, therapy or business environment - the systemic figures are perfectly suited for systemic coaching, family constellations, organizational constellations, supervision, psychotherapy, situation reenactments or planning, couples counseling as well as externalizing and brainstorming alone. 4 Colors - 4 Personality Types The four colors of the colorful Pro figures (red, yellow, green and blue) are deliberately chosen and offer you a wide range of possible uses in your constellation. Each color represents specific behavioral patterns and preferences that help you assess people quickly and effectively. The colorful System Board Pro figures are ideal for representing the interactions of personality types in systemic constellations. development down to the last detail The different figures were specially designed and precisely made from the best beech wood, varnished and the eyes hand-painted in wafer-thin black. Each figure is carefully sanded by hand, creating slightly rounded edges. The solid wood figures are particularly suitable for those who value an attractive appearance and appreciate the highest quality. Their elegant appearance makes them stand out and enables a unique presentation in systemic applications of all kinds. A versatile tool for your systemic work! Each Pro figure offers a wide range of applications by representing different shapes, including children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. In combination with other figures, they stand out particularly through their color and can emphasize special parts of the system. In addition, all figures are equipped with eyes so that directions of gaze or looking away can be represented!
  Das ideen.kollektiv Produktmagazin ist da! Kostenlos bestellbar Das ideen.kollektiv Produktmagazin bietet eine vollständige Übersicht über unser Sortiment an Tools für Teambuilding, Coaching und systemische Arbeit. Bestelle es kostenlos im Shop und entdecke alle Produkte auf einen Blick. Mit spannenden Artikeln und Interviews Neben einer umfassenden Produktübersicht enthält das Produktmagazin spannende Artikel und Interviews. Erfahre mehr über die Einsatzmöglichkeiten unserer Tools und lass dich von Expertenmeinungen inspirieren. Alles auf einen Blick Das Produktmagazin fasst unser gesamtes Produktsortiment übersichtlich zusammen. Es bietet praxisnahe Informationen zu jedem Produkt und ist eine hilfreiche Ressource für den Einsatz in Therapie, Coaching und Teambuilding.
Wheel of life - 50 Sheets A4 Coaching Pad €12,95
Wheel of Life - a Coaching Tool Holistic Perspective Get with the "wheel of life" an all-encompassing view of the current actual state of the 8 most important areas of life. The target state can also be displayed! For Personal Growth or Work with Clients A change of perspective: from operationally reacting to circumstances to proactively shaping the reality of life. Can be used alone or as a tool to show your clients new perspectives. #supportyourlocal The product is produced climate neutrally in Germany. Designed in Munich.  
Wheel of Life - Coaching Block (PDF)
Wheel of Life - a Coaching Tool Holistic Perspective Get with the "Wheel of Life" an all-encompassing view of the current actual state of the 8 most important areas of life. The target state can also be displayed! For Personal Growth or Working with Clients A change of perspective: from reacting operationally to circumstances, to proactively shaping the reality of life. Can be used alone or as a tool to show your clients new perspectives. #community Sharing and passing on in the closest circle of acquaintances and colleagues is desired and even welcome - we are a community!  
Rope - Therapy Rope - "Red Thread" - 15m from €9,95 €14,95
The Therapy Rope Sturdy and Durable The therapy rope from ideen.kollektiv is made of high-quality materials, which makes it robust and durable. It can be used for various applications without wearing out quickly. Easy to Stow The rope is available in different lengths. Due to its optimal thickness and adjusted weight, the rope is easy to store and transport. It is easy to handle and is perfect for use on the road. Versatile Use The rope can be used for various applications such as team building games, better illustration and much more. It is an indispensable accessory for anyone who works with groups and/or outdoors.
Scaling Distance €19,95
About the scaling distance The intuitive tool for in-depth coaching The scaling track is an innovative method to make emotional states, intensities or different development phases tangible. Every interaction with the scaling track leads to a deeper understanding. It was developed to help translate complex emotions and processes into clear and manageable dimensions. For exploring different intensities With a scale from 1 to 10, the scale allows for precise classification and description of emotions and intensities. Perfectly matched to the large Pro system board figures (the size of the boxes is suitable for the large Pro figures), it is an indispensable tool for any coaching, be it in school, in a therapeutic environment or in counseling. Minimalistic but effective The scale can be used in many different ways. It is not only used to assess and improve stress levels, happiness and life satisfaction, but also to visualize a development process. The scale from 1 to 10 enables precise classification, with 1 symbolizing low intensity and 10 symbolizing high intensity. The individual levels are marked by graduated shades of gray, with the darkest level representing low intensity and the lightest representing very high intensity. The scale therefore offers a clear and visual representation of the intensity levels.
System Board - The Classic €63,95
About the System Board Divisible System Board with Edge Line The system board consists of two corrugated parts, which allows a spatial division of the set up figures. The lasered edge line can also be used as a spatial division in the system. If you do not need a edge line, you can simply turn the board - the back side does not have a lasered line. Various Wooden Figures The different figures and elements are specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as you like and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. 6 types of figures (28 pcs in total) have eyes - so a direction of gaze or wake-up can be represented.   Different Colors for even more Possibilities Different colors for even more possibilitiesThe different colors are perfect for representing different character types (phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine (-here in white) or even genders or moods. Also the colorful figures have eyes, which allow the representation of a direction of vision.   The complete Package Our system board has been rethought from the ground up and is improved from batch to batch. Each individual feature offers possibilities and can be used in a variety of ways in practice. For example, the cords can be used as zones, dividing line or connection.    
Constellation Board - Documentation Block (PDF)
The Constellation Board Docu-Block Hold the Lineup To better document progress with a client, this documentation block for the constellation board is recommended. It provides the necessary structure to work professionally. There are two constellation boards on the template. The actual and the target state. #community Sharing and passing on in the closest circle of acquaintances and colleagues is desired and even welcome - we are a community!  
Constellation Board Bundle €69,90
The system board bundle Divisible system board with edge line The system board consists of two corrugated parts, which enable a spatial division of the set-up figures. The laser-cut edge line can also be used as a spatial divider in the system. If you don't need an edge line, you can simply turn the board over - the back has no lasered line. Various wooden figures The different figures and elements have been specially designed and made from solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, themes, tasks, problems or projects. 6 types of figures (28 in total) have eyes - so they can be used to represent a direction of gaze or looking away. Different colors for even more possibilities The different colors are perfect for representing different character types (phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine (here in white) or even genders or moods. The colorful figures also have eyes, which make it possible to depict a direction of gaze. The complete package Our system board has been rethought from the ground up and is improved from batch to batch. Each individual feature offers possibilities and can be used in a variety of ways in practice. For example, the cords can be used as zones, dividing lines or connections. Hold the lineup This documentation block for the system board is recommended for better documentation of progress with a client. It provides the necessary structure to work professionally. There are two system boards on the template. The actual state and the target state.
System Board - Additional Figures €36,95
About the Additional Constellation Board Figures Various Figures Made of Wood The different figures and elements are specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. 6 types of figures (a total of 28 pcs.) have eyes - so a direction of gaze or wake-up can be represented. Different Colors for even more Possibilities The different colors are perfect for representing different character types (phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine (-here in white) or even genders or moods. Also the colorful figures have eyes, which allow the representation of a direction of vision.
Pro System Board €129,95
About the Pro Constellation Board Divisible System Board with Edge Line The approx. 1cm thick constellation board consists of two parts, which enable a spatial division of the set-up figures. The printed border line can also be used as a spatial separation in the system. If you do not need a border line, you can simply turn the board - the back side has no border line. Various Wooden Figures The different figures and elements are specially designed and made of solid wood. They can be used as desired and can represent different figures such as children, women, men, pets, objects, topics, tasks, problems or projects. There are 24 figures with eyes and 8 elements without eyes. Different Shapes for even more Possibilities The different shapes and sizes are perfect to represent genders, status, or age. The solid wood figures are especially suitable for anyone who values a natural look.    
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